WATCH: NEVER FORGET What Benghazi Taught Us...Always Question YOUR Government

Nick Kangadis | September 15, 2022
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I'm baaaaack! Thanks for coming back to watch the best kept secret in the conservative movement, Things That Need To Be Said. Depending on your preference, you can either watch the YouTube version above or the Rumble version below. There's no difference between the two videos. I just like to give you options if you're trying to get away from establishment platforms.

It's been 10 years since the deadly terrorist attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya.

Related: WATCH: Fauci vs. PETA: Battle of the Braindead - Things That Need To Be Said

Check out my latest commentary where I examine how the events that happened in Benghazi were part of the awakening for a lot of Americans towards THEIR government.

Don't forget to watch the video above or below. Stay tuned to MRCTV for more!


Sources: YouTube, My Brain