Many people who keep up with the goings on in the political realm know that a fair portion of the politicians in the U.S. government are corrupt. And…
If the baseline elitism of a bunch of politicians, bureaucrats, central-banksters, corporate cronies, and media lapdogs meeting in air-…
As if the dyspeptic display of eternally irritable Climate Cultists arriving in PRIVATE JETS for the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) in…
Sure, many of us Americans might have a less than scholarly and less than practical understanding of how monarchies operate - perhaps our grasp of…
I'm baaaaack! Thanks for coming back to watch the best kept secret in the conservative movement, Things That Need To Be Said. Depending on…
Pathological politicians just used you as hostages in their ploy to further expand government and insult the Founders. Last night, the U.S.…
One of the most iconic scenes in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984”, is the battle between protagonist Winston Smith and his torturer (name…
Sore Loser: Egyptian Refuses to Shake Hands After Losing to Israeli at 2019 World Judo Championships
Is it that Middle Eastern countries don’t like Israel, or is it that Muslims simply don’t like Jewish people? Either way, it’s been a world issue for…
If you don’t have the capacity to understand someone who’s clearly joking about possibly sensitive topics, you don’t belong in a comedy club. Free…
President Trump has responded to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his letter is a grand slam.
In a letter issued Thursday from the White House, Trump…
It’s not often that I take a politician or government official’s words too seriously, as it’s typically empty rhetoric whose sole purpose is to…
Michigan Democratic gubernatorial candidate Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed is drawing attention for his final comment during an exchange with…