Watch: Did This Meteorologist Urinate on National Television?

Corwin Parks | November 4, 2014


He wasn't urinating, "He was just trying to make it right," Brian Williams says.

This is something that you dont see everyday. NBC's Mike Seidel was "peeing" while on live TV. Well, at least that is what the buzz is about on the net. However MSNBC's BriWi (Brain Williams) is saying otherwise. 


Meteorologist caught peeing during newscast #reddit

— NewsReddit (@NewsReddit) November 2, 2014


Lester Holt is talking about the weather when the scene cuts to a split screen with Seidel, who is on location in Sugar Mountain, NC during a snow storm. Seidel's back is to the camera and he's looking to the ground - but, what else is he doing. Social media posts say he's urinating, but MSNBC's Brian Williams says, "Social media owes him an apology."

What do you think?


Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist @MikeSeidel Was Not Peeing on Live TV (VIDEO)

— Mediaite (@Mediaite) November 4, 2014


Brian Williams claims that Seidel lost contact on his cell which was connected to his ear piece thus his postion wih his back turned to the camera. If this is true, why would Siedel zip up his pants? The logical explination would be that he put his phone into a zipped pocket on his pants. Also, if you are in a snowstorm would you take your gloves off to pee? Most wouldn't, and with gloves like that you wouldn't be able to use a touch screen on a smartophone. 



What do you think, is BriWi right, should social media owe Seidel an apology or is it just too unlcear to tell his he is peeing or not?

