WATCH - Biden: Americans Are Discussing Snowbridgecollapsefireapocalypse

Eric Scheiner | November 17, 2021

Joe Biden assures us that snowbridgecollapsefireapocalypse is “real stuff” and he and the government are aware that you and your family are having “ordinary” discussions about it around your “kitchen table.”

Biden discussed the concerns Americans have for snowbridgecollapsefireapocalypse Tuesday in New Hampshire. Biden assured the country that the more than $1 trillion infrastructure bill he recently signed into law should help ease all of our concerns.

“The concerns that are discussed around our kitchen table - this isn’t esoteric. This isn't some gigantic bill. 

It is - but it's about what happens to ordinary people. Conversations around those kitchen tables that are both profound as they are ordinary. ‘How do I cross a bridge in a snowstorm? What happened?’

No, think about it. You know, you're in a situation. What happens if the bridge collapses and there's a fire on the other side? It's going to take 10 miles longer to get to the fire. People could die. 

I mean, this is real. This is real stuff,” Biden said about his made up situation.

Related: WATCH: ‘Where’s My Mask?’ Biden Searches For Outdoor Mask He Never Had