I hate that this isn’t even the first time MRCTV has had to write about a story like this.
Earlier this month, a Wyoming judge fully revoked Todd and Krista Kolstad’s custody of their 14-year-old daughter after Montana Child Protective Services workers transported the child to Wyoming to treat her for “gender dysphoria.” So now the child has been kidnapped, is on a path of poor mental health and utter delusion and her parents can’t even do anything about it.
Back in April 2023, the Montana legislature, where the Kolstad family resides, passed State Bill 99 which bans the medical transition of minors suffering from “gender dysphoria.” A few months later in August of 2023, the child ended up in the hospital after struggling with bullying and anxiety. Police informed the Kolstad parents that their daughter was suicidal and that a text message indicated that she’d ingested “drain cleaner” and lots of “ibuprofen,” The Gateway Pundit reported Tuesday.
Apparently when the child ended up in the hospital, her toxicology report came back clean. But while there, the girl began asking hospital staff to call her “Leo” and use male pronouns. The staff, despite the objections from the Kolstads, obliged and continued calling the young girl by her name of choice.
“The hospital continued to call our daughter Leo, even though she’s a minor, and after I stated it’s against our wishes, our religion, and our core family values, the hospital told me to call their lawyer if I have an issue, as they will do what the patient tells them,” Mrs. Kolstad said in a video about the situation.
To make matters worse, a non-binary hospital aide talked to “Leo” about top surgery. Though this appeared to be a breach of State Bill 99, the hospital insisted that they were working within a “gray area” as they hadn’t given the child any hormones or surgeries, just encouraged it.
“Montana CPS and hospital staff consistently dismissed the Kolstads’ concerns and authority as parents,” The Gateway Pundit indicated in its report.
Apparently nurses repeatedly called Mrs. Kolstad “just the stepmom” and ignored any concerns or parental authority she had despite the fact that Mrs. and Mr. Kolstad had been married since the child was about seven-years-old.
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Without either parent’s consent, CPS transferred the young girl to a hospital bed in Wyoming where she would be treated as a transitioning boy.
“CPS and police presented a court order taking custody of the girl, citing the parents’ refusal to provide medical care. Communication with their daughter was cut off,” The Gateway Pundit wrote.
In Wyoming, the child was given a chest binder which can restrict breathing, bruise and fracture ribs and irritate skin. She’s also been consulted about taking birth control to stop her menstrual cycle.
Now there’s talks that the child will be sent to live with her biological mother in Canada who’s been absent ever since the child’s father remarried. Obviously, the Kolstads are furious as well as terrified for their daughter since Canada has one doctor in particular, Dr. Wallace Wong who's notorious for helping kids transition.
Here's what the child's step mom said:
We do not believe the system has tried to treat her mental health issues. Instead, it has forcefully focused on the transgender component and on forcing us into doing things against our family values, religious beliefs, and core moral beliefs. Much damage has already been done to our family. How many families will the system destroy?
Is the state of Montana willing to open a door and take every troubled child who is angry with their parents, placing them in group home settings and violating their rights as caregivers, providers, and parents, and morally diminishing and destroying our family units?
The parents called the case “medical kidnapping” and are begging for an attorney willing to help them fight for their daughter back before it’s too late.
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Woke of The Weak: Drag Queen Mocks Jesus's Birth & More Leftist Degeneracy
— MRCTV (@mrctv) January 23, 2024
How disturbed do you have to be as a person where you see this filth and go, "Yeah, this looks normal to me." pic.twitter.com/nzTbj6HMsn