Slow-Motion Video: Massive Water Balloon Erupts, In HD!

Ben Graham | July 22, 2015

Two friends got together with their high-speed, high-definition camera and recorded themselves popping a six-foot, water-filled super-balloon. But there’s a smile inducing twist to this video. One of the two friends actually allows his entire body, save his head, to be enveloped within the giant, wet latex cocoon.

Their names are Gavin Free an Daniel Grouchy and together they form the world-famous Youtube account, The Slow Mo Guys. Their modus operandi is recording a variety of phenomena that are too quick to be seen by the human eye and slowing them down in what can only be described as some truly amazing footage.

From things as small as popcorn erupting from its kernel to things as large as exploding buildings, The Slow Mo Guys have a channel chock full of videos that are sure to astound you.

Below that you will find their very first experience with the massive water balloon.
