Rand Paul: Jeb Bush Is 'Hypocritical' for His Stance on Marijuana

Ben Graham | April 29, 2015

During an appearance on Hannity, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was asked to elaborate on comments he had made calling Jeb Bush a hypocrite for his stance on marijuana laws. Despite Bush’s admission that he smoked pot while in high school, Bush does not support the use of medicinal marijuana and has no plans to lessen the sentences for non-violent drug offenders.

 “I’m not really promoting legalization, but I am promoting making the penalties much less severe and not putting people in jail for 10, 20, 30 years,” Paul said to Hannity. He just thinks “it is hypocritical for very wealthy white people who have all the resources to evade the drug laws” to take a more ham-handed stance on non-violent drug violations. He cites a 24-year-old male who was sentenced to 55 years in prison. Paul jokes saying, “You can kill somebody in Kentucky and get out sooner.”

Paul continued his assault on Bush for his opposition to medicinal marijuana use. “He’s against even allowing medical marijuana for people that are confined to wheelchairs from multiple sclerosis.” To thicken the line of difference between the candidates, Paul said that allowing medicinal marijuana is “the least we can do for some of these people with chronic illnesses.”