Police Offer Bike to Teen Who Walks 2 Hours to Work

Zach Montanaro | September 23, 2016

There have been plenty of stories in the news lately about the relationship between police officers and the African American community, with the latest being the unfortunate riots in Charlotte, N.C. What the mainstream media won’t show you, though, are the amazing acts of kindness and charity that police officers offer their communities.

Jourdan Duncan is a 19-year-old who works in Benicia, Calif., but lives 9 miles away in Vallejo. Duncan also doesn’t have a car, since his apparently broke down. Rather than feel like a burden by asking for rides to and from work, Duncan instead chose to walk the two-hour hike each way to work.

One day after his shift, Police Corporal Kirk Keffer noticed Duncan walking home. While offering Duncan a ride, Keffer was impressed with Duncan’s amazing work ethic and his ultimate goal of becoming a California Highway Patrol officer.

Keffer wanted to show how much he appreciated Duncan’s level of dedication, so he and members of the Benicia Police Officers Association worked to give Duncan a surprise: his very own mountain bike.

Duncon told FOX 29, “I love this bike,” he said. “This bike is my best friend.”

The kindness didn’t stop there, either. After hearing about Duncan’s wish to become an officer, the Benicia Police Department is now working on giving Duncan a ride along to help with that goal.

“You know, not all officers are bad,” Duncan told FOX 29 with a smile.

So while we will no doubt hear more stories about the growing violence in Charlotte, remember stories like this so we can always honor the wonderful officers, like the ones in Benicia, who do so much to help their communities.