Occupy DC: The Tent of Dreams

kyoder | January 30, 2012

The media poured into McPherson Square early this morning, anticipating Occupy DC's eviction and destruction of the 'Tent of Dreams.'

Occupy signs warned of a "show down" with the Park Police, while occupiers hinted at a big surprise in store for later. Freedom Plaza stood ignored and strangely silent as McPherson Square stole the attention.

Pulling an enormous tarp over the statue of General James B. McPherson and his loyal horse, the occupiers created their 'Tent of Dreams.' Unveiling their surprise, they energetically chanted, "let us sleep so we can dream!"

Soon, only McPherson's head and the horse's ears poked out from the tent decorated with stars and moons.

The few Park Police remained silent throughout the day, even when provoked by occupiers and media. One officer admitted that police would hold back for now, even though occupiers' tents remained standing in violation of park rules.

The excitement escalated as two occupiers - an elderly man and a self-proclaimed veteran - argued whether police are the heroes or enemies of Occupy DC as police tased an occupier yesterday. Other occupiers spent their time singing, dancing, and blaming Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) for the eviction.

Occupiers did agree that their tents would remain standing until evening - a fair prediction considering the lack of police enforcement. They shouted that police would come at night, when the media has left.

Ironically, the statue of Gen. McPherson, who died on the Civil War battlefield to preserve the Union, stands in the heart of the occupiers' 'Tent of Dreams.' He fought for the states to stay together, rather than break apart on differences. He fought for a country where valiant dreams fly free, not hidden in tents.