U.S. Southern Command Cancels Screening of 'Sound of Freedom' After Being Questioned by Lefty Writer

Nick Kangadis | September 8, 2023
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What is wrong with the military that even The Military Times outlet has taken a hard left turn to the point they sound like Rolling Stone when it comes to critiquing the surprise hit film, “Sound of Freedom?” Seriously, the article sounds like it was written by a woke handbook on what to say when referring to different subjects.

QAnon this. QAnon that. QAnon! Reeeee! I’m sure they’re out there, but I’ve literally never met someone who considers themself as “QAnon,” or even someone who could be labeled as “QAnon.” Where are these people, besides the deep recesses of the internet?

Anyway, U.S. Southern Command has cancelled a screening of “Sound of Freedom” after wetting their proverbial pants when they were asked by The Military Times about said screening.

According to Breitbart:

The Military Times said it contacted Southcom about the screenings, after which the showings were called off.

A subsequent e-mail reportedly said the cancellation was to “prevent the appearance of copyright infringement,” adding that “the film is currently available to view at local theaters, and personnel and their families who would like to see the film are encouraged to do so.”

Using the “copyright” excuse is a nice copout for not wanting to show a must-see film about child trafficking — aka slavery — to members of the military. I’m sure the creators of “Sound of Freedom” and its cast wouldn’t have had a problem with a screening of the movie for members of the military, especially considering that Angel Studios held a campaign for people to buy tickets for others so that they could see the film for free.

Related: WATCH: The Media Don't Want You To Hear The 'Sound of Freedom' - Things That Need To Be Said

Breitbart also noted that the writers who wrote The Military Times piece “are alumni of the far-left wing The Texas Tribune, according to their online bios.”

Isn’t it funny how anyone that doesn’t fall in line with what the far-left apparently endorses — like child trafficking — is considered “QAnon.” I guess since calling anyone they disagree with “racist” doesn’t work in this case, so “QAnon” it is, I guess.

Me thinks “BlueAnon” doth protest too much.

If you haven’t, go see “Sound of Freedom” any way you can if only to piss off a leftist — well, that and it’s an excellent movie.

Here's the trailer, once again:



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