(Note: Watch the trailer below.)
There are some movies that no matter how well done they are, you have a tough time saying it was “good” because of the subject matter. For example, while it was a very well done movie, you’d be hard pressed to say that “The Passion of the Christ” was a “good” movie. Some movies just transcend the sliding scale of what’s good and what isn’t. Some movies are better served when they’re treated as an experience.
“Sound of Freedom” with actor Jim Caviezel is one of those movies. It was very well done, and the acting was superb, but the main issue at hand in the film is just too heavy to simply chalk up as “good.”
Caviezel portrays now former Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard (who currently runs Operation Underground Railroad), and this was the story of how he got into rescuing trafficked children. He had arrested hundreds of pedophiles, but because of previous laws preventing agents from going abroad to rescue kids, he’d never saved a child.
Until this event happened.
As this is a “no-spoiler” review, I won’t go too far into the details of the story, because as difficult as the subject matter of this based-on-a-true-story movie most definitely is, it’s done in a way that — while it will get the better of your emotions at times — it’s not gratuitous in its visuals.
For lack of a better term, “Sound of Freedom” makes child trafficking as palatable as possible for those that think they might not be able to handle an in-your-face representation of the practice that affects two million kids every year.
In terms of the quality of the movie itself, the acting is top notch. From top to bottom of the cast list, everyone does their part and does it well. The actors playing the traffickers make you believe they're bad people — which they are — and the children do their absolute best to convey the fear children must face while being held captive.
Related: Elon Musk Recommends Twitter Stream Upcoming Caviezel Film On Child-Trafficking
Caviezel is excellent as always. But, performances like Bill Camp’s as “Vampiro” and Javier Godino as “Jorge” really bring the overall performances of the film to another level.
As Caviezel said in the credits scene following the film, the heroes in this story aren’t him or even Ballard, but the children who have to go through what they went through. While only the young actress who plays the abducted girl is listed in the credits on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), the younger boy who plays "Miguel" (not listed) does an excellent job as the her brother who was also abducted.
Angel Studios, who produced the movie, is attempting to sell two million tickets to represent the two million children trafficked every year. According to the film and the promotion for the film, the child trafficking trade has surpassed the illegal arms trade and is even sneaking up on the drug trade, bringing in billions of dollars every year.
This is essentially slavery, folks.
Perhaps the most chilling line in the film comes when one character essentially says that you can only sell a bag of cocaine one time, but you can sell a child five to ten times a day, every day, for 10 years.
Well, as Caviezel as Ballard says, “God’s children are no longer for sale.”
The insane part of the story of this movie being released is that the film was made five years ago, but because some in Hollywood are deeply entrenched in child trafficking, they made the makers of the film jump through mountains of hoops just to get this movie released.
Please go see this movie, if for no other reason than to support the cause.
On the traditional four-star scale, “Sound of Freedom” gets three-and-a-half stars. It’s a must see!
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— MRCTV (@mrctv) July 3, 2023