Kick Rocks, COVID! Gen. Flynn Says He 'Will Not' Comply with Returning Measures or Restrictions

Nick Kangadis | September 14, 2023
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Before we get into this story — and I think most who read this will be on the same page — we need to admit that the COVID measures put in place the first time around didn’t do a damn thing to prevent anything. People masked? They still got COVID. People socially distanced themselves from others? They still got COVID. People voluntarily took 4,726 jabs? They still got COVID. Those points are indisputable.

This time around, and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, the powers-that-be are going to try again to control your every action by placing similar, if not more severe restrictions on people should they decide that this year’s flu season warrants renewed COVID measures.

But, this WILL backfire catastrophically for those hungry for control over the populace.

Gen. Michael Flynn was interviewed on Wednesday at a Flyover Conservatives event where he spoke about COVID restrictions or measures possibly coming back into our society, and he said that he will NOT be complying with any of them.

“If somebody says you can’t go in here unless you mask up and tells me I gotta stand 6 feet apart from somebody in a line to get in a plane, and then I’m going to be jammed next to them in a seat, I will not do that,” Flynn said. “I will not do that. I will not put a mask on. I will not go into that store. I will go find some other place.”

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Amen, General!

Admittedly, I wore a mask for the first couple of months, because we knew very little about what was going on. But as the months wore on, and we could follow the daily Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) information, it became abundantly clear that what was being prescribed (pun intended) was not working and had very little affect on anything kind of prevention or mitigation of COVID.

Of course, do whatever you like. You want to wear a mask again, if you ever stopped? Go right ahead. Wear a mask. Wear eight masks. Doesn’t matter to me. I just won’t be complying this time around, because I understand the motivations behind the measures much better.


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