Gen. Michael Flynn
Before we get into this story — and I think most who read this will be on the same page — we need to admit that the COVID measures put in place the…
President Donald Trump took to Twitter over the weekend complaining that Gen. Michael Flynn's "life is destroyed" while Hillary Clinton benefitted…
Fired FBI Director James Comey at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Thursday admitted to leaking his own memos to the press.
Comey said…
(Image via Screenshot)
Vice President Mike Pence in a news conference on Monday responded to news of Gen. Michael Flynn's resignation as President…
(Image via Screenshot)
President Donald Trump in a press conference at the White House on Thursday discussed his concern about the leaks taking…
Ah, Keith Olbermann. What else can be said about Keith Olbermann that wasn’t explained perfectly in Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals”?…