FLASHBACK: Chelsea Handler Reminded 50 Cent He 'was a Black Person, So He Can't Vote for...Trump'

Nick Kangadis | June 7, 2024
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You gotta love how white liberal women think they’re the arbiters of…well, pretty much everything. They know better than you about anything you could come up with. On one hand, they’ll preach to you about not speaking for someone whose experience isn’t yours, while in the next breath telling people how they should live their lives regardless of the circumstances.

Notoriously barren comedienne Chelsea Handler comments about ex-boyfriend Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson have resurfaced and gone viral following Jackson's recent statement about him seeing black men “identifying with [former President Donald] Trump” following the guilty verdict against him in Manhattan last week.

In 2020, Handler was a guest on “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon and said that she “had to remind [Jackson] that was a black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump.”

Thanks for that, racist.

The water sports admiring comedienne even went so far as to intimate that she would do sexual favors for Jackson if he would come out against Trump.

“I am willing to, you know, seal the deal in more ways than one if he changes his mind,” Handler told Fallon.

Related: Childless Chelsea Handler Was All Kinds of Triggered By Harrison Butker's Speech

Maybe it worked, because — as reported by Newsweek — Jackson posted on X (Twitter at the time), “Fu*k Donald Trump, I never liked him.”

It’s not clear if Jackson has since changed his mind on Trump, since those comments were made four years ago, but he at least believes that black men identify with the man.


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