BREAKING: Man Accused of Being Paid by Ukraine to Assassinate Tucker Carlson

Nick Kangadis | February 26, 2024
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It’s difficult to be sure about what’s real anymore. If the reports going around are in fact true, then there needs to be more serious questions about Ukraine than just whether the U.S. should keep giving them more and more American taxpayer money.

Allegedly, a man named Vasiliev Pyotr Alexievich has been arrested in Moscow under suspicion that he was paid by Ukrainian Intelligence to assassinate independent journalist Tucker Carlson while he was in Russia to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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There’s video of Alexievich allegedly confessing to the plot to kill Carlson through a car bomb at the Four Seasons hotel he was staying at. The man was arrested by authorities before he could carry out the terrorist action.

Above, I said “allegedly” because Alexievich’s confession almost seemed scripted. One cannot put it past the Russians to produce propaganda, but we can also not discount these reports as false.

We will update this blog as more information comes in.


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