Hockey is for everyone, including large trans males knocking the stuffing out of smaller females. The National Hockey League said so, but after a woman was injured in a transgender hockey game, the league had to dine on crow for its support of transgender sports.
This happened Nov. 19 and 20, but what happened there is only now coming to light, revealed by Matt Reigle at Outkick sports blog. Here’s the sequence of events. On Nov. 22, the NHL went on a Twitter power play, gleefully tweeting about the event after it had ended.:
The NHL is proud to support this past weekend's Team Trans Draft Tournament in Middleton, Wisconsin. This was the first tournament comprised entirely of transgender and nonbinary players, with around 80 folks participating! #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride
And ...
Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary identity is real.
Hold on!
During the All-Trans Draft Tournament in Middleton, Wisconsin, teams including trans men and trans women competed in ice hockey. In one game, a tall biological male checked a biological female into the boards, she went down and was taken off the ice with a concussion. In the video, one can hear someone immediately yell for a stretcher.
The incident offers further proof about the potential dangers of women competing with men in fiercely physical sports, Reigle pointed out.
By going overboard with its zeal for trans hockey, the NHL created the impression that it had offered more than just emotional support for the All-Trans Draft Tournament. The NHL certainly did score brownie points with woke LGBT enthusiasts, Reigle wrote.
Team Trans confirmed that the NHL had not actually lent any tangible support, aside from its tweets:
“While the NHL is supportive of providing accessibility to all organizations that love hockey. This tournament was organized by Team Trans – NOT the NHL, and was done with intentionality to create teams with even skill levels.”
The NHL is not saying whether or not it still figuratively supports rough, bruising trans sports. Or if it now fully realizes the biological advantages men have over women.
“Unfortunately for the NHL, they brought this entire fiasco and any negative press it brings upon themselves,” Reigle said. “This is the sort of thing that can happen if you get involved in politics one way or the other. If they had simply kept their noses clean and not waded into the waters of wokeness with their factually inaccurate Twitter statements, there wouldn’t be any need for Team Trans to clear the air.”
Related: #HockeySoWhite: Diversity Enforcement Comes for NHL
Ironically, the trans tournament people said their event was about allowing transgender athletes a “safe place” to play a game they love. A hockey game did not offer a safe haven for at least one woman playing against men.
Reigle accurately sums up this unfortunate incident by saying the tournament organizers and the NHL seemingly prefer placing radical ideology over the safety of hockey players, and that’s extremely unfortunate.
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