Mind-Blowing Camera Is Faster Than The Speed of Light

Ben Graham | September 24, 2015

High-speed photography has been gaining a lot of attention from the average American lately thanks to a slew of slow-motion videos that permeate our pop culture and social media.

By it’s original definition, high-speed photography was any set of photographs captured by a camera  at 128 frames per second or more. Now, we’ve found a way to capture images at a surreal rate of one trillion frames per second.

This means that we’ve built a camera so fast that it can capture the movement of light, which travels at 186,282 miles per second.

One of the most popular slow-motion trends is the ability to see bullets being fired, traveling through the air and hitting a variety of targets. If those same videos were recorded with this camera, it would take an entire year to watch the footage to completion due to the sheer number of frames. 

See it for yourself in the video below, from PBS: