Shocking No One, Therapists Report People Paralyzed From Media-Fueled 'Climate Anxiety'

Marya Dunning | February 19, 2024
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The media has a lot to answer for - namely, for making people (including children) so petrified of an impending climate apocalypse they can barely function in daily life.

In a recent Bloomberg article, reporters interviewed therapist Caroline Hickman, who described using exposure therapy to help a child who was afraid of dogs. However, she was reluctant to see climate anxiety as the same type of irrational fear. 

"We don’t 100% know how to deal with it," she said, adding that "it would be a huge mistake to try and treat it like other anxieties that we are very familiar with that have been around for decades. This one is much, much worse.”

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According to Bloomberg, more and more people are experiencing "climate anxiety," to the point where some of them are even at risk of killing themselves. According to a study done by Hickman:

...Climate anxiety disrupts the ability to function day to day. Children and young people in this category feel alienation from friends and family, distress when thinking about the future and intrusive thoughts about who will survive, according to Hickman’s research. Patients obsessively check for extreme weather, read climate change studies and pursue radical activism. Some, devastatingly, consider suicide as the only solution

The article later went on to say that therapists noted seeing more patients suffering from climate anxiety after the media began ramping up their coverage of supposed climate change.

In other words, water is wet and the sky is blue. And now we have an entire generation of people so scared of the weather they can't function.