Marc Thiessen: Trump Projects ‘Liberal Caricature of Conservatism’

Ben Graham | April 1, 2016

Fox News contributor and former speech writer for George W. Bush Marc Thiessen appeared on “The Kelly File” Thursday night to discuss Trump’s comments on punishing women who have illegal abortions. During the conversation, he called Trump a “liberal caricature of conservatism.”

Trump has since retracted the controversial statement but Thiessen says the damage is already done, even going so far as to call Trump’s words "something that a liberal pretending to be a pro-life conservative would say.”

“Every time Trump opens his mouth, he says something that feeds that narrative,” said Thiessen. “He’s doing their work for them.”

“It's really what liberals want to hear, because liberals want to run against the caricature of conservatives. They want to run against the Republican who wants to put women in jail, not the Republican who wants to stop abortion because women are victims just like the babies are.”

Watch more from “The Kelly File” interview below: