Liberals Throwing a Hissy Fit Over This Joke Mike Huckabee Made About Transgender Showers in Schools

Tyler McNally | June 3, 2015

During the 2015 National Religious Broadcasters Convention earlier this year, former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-Ala.) shared some jokes about the Transgender movement in his speech.

“Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE," said Huckabee jokingly. “I’m pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, ‘Coach, I think I’d rather shower with the girls today.’ You’re laughing because it sounds so ridiculous, doesn’t it?”

Huckabee started out on a more sober note, however: “For those who do not think that we are under threat, simply recognize that the fact that we are now in city after city watching ordinances say that your 7-year-old daughter, if she goes into the restroom cannot be offended and you can’t be offended if she’s greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man.”

He clarified his point that "something [is] inherently wrong about forcing little children to be a part of this social experiment.”

Many people have accused Huckabee and his supporters as "transphobic," but he says "I’m not against anybody. I’d just like for somebody to bring their brain to work some day and not leave it on the bed stand when they show up to govern.”

H/T Buzzfeed