Lebanon Bans 'Wonder Woman' Because the Lead Actress Is Israeli

ashley.rae | June 1, 2017

While showings of the latest “Wonder Woman” film are causing a stir in the United States, the country of Lebanon has banned the film entirely because the lead actress is Israeli.

The LA Times reports government officials in Lebanon banned the film “just hours” before the first scheduled showing because Gal Gadot is Israeli.

Lebanon, which is officially at war with Israel, is also engaged in a boycott of all Israeli made goods—including actresses. According to the Associated Press, Lebanon also bans its citizens from even having contact with Israelis and bans them from traveling to Israel.

The Campaign to Boycott Supports of Israel-Lebanon, which vocally opposed the movie and encouraged the boycott, praised the government for banning the “israeli [sic] Soldier [sic] film.”

Gadot is an Israeli Defense Forces veteran. Israeli citizens are conscripted to serve in the IDF. Gadot has also been a vocal supporter of the ID.

Not only is Gadot Israeli, but she is also Jewish. A Pew Research poll from 2010 allegedly shows 98 percent of Lebanese citizens polled have a negative view of Jews.

The Hollywood Reporter notes the film was only scheduled to play in 15 theaters in the country.

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