Some Theaters Are Holding ‘Women Only’ Showings of Wonder Woman

Brittany M. Hughes | May 26, 2017

As a woman (born that way, mind you, not someone who just woke up one day and decided I felt like a chick), I’m gonna go ahead and say that this whole thing sucks. It just sucks outright.

A largely popular movie theater called the Alamo Drafthouse, of which I have been a frequent patron (in large part because their cheeseburgers are awesome), has decided it’d be just the greatest idea ever to hold women-only screenings of the new blockbuster film "Wonder Woman." Because those of us with vaginas apparently can’t enjoy a good girl-power movie unless we’re all simmering together in a giant estrogen stew, munching on lettuce wraps and froyo while we debate how much yoga it'd take to get those superhero abs.

Or something, I guess. I actually don’t know what massive groups of women are supposed to do all by themselves, probably because I don’t segregate myself based on my lady parts. But I digress.

The Austin Alamo’s ad for the No Boys Allowed event reads as such:

Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying “No Guys Allowed” for one special night at the Alamo Ritz. And when we say “People Who Identify As Women Only,” we mean it. Everyone working at this screening -- venue staff, projectionist, and culinary team -- will be female.

Oh, did I say this showing was for women only? I’m sorry. I mean those who identify as women. Meaning you’re totally welcome to bring Little Willy along, so long as he's tucked away under your stylish but sensible pencil skirt. That’s fine.

If I sound like I’m irritated, that’s because I am. And naturally, so are some dudes.

This local Alamo's Facebook page has been absolutely inundated with comments from pissed off people who can't figure out why a movie theater would intentionally discriminate against men for absolutely no good reason whatsoever. Which, frankly, is a perfectly valid question.

“Could you imagine the anger and outrage from the liberal staff of Alamo if Trump held an all male screening at the white house or even if another theatre did an all male screening?!” one guy wrote.

No, dude. We really couldn’t.

“Great, let us know when you have guys-only screenings of Thor, Spider-Man, Star Wars, etc. Let's see you walk the walk now that you set this precedence,” another chimed in.

The list goes on, with plenty of men expressing their extreme displeasure and bewilderment at being given the boot by Alamo. Then again, considering no one told all us gals that we couldn’t head over to our local cineplex and watch Superman wail on Lex Luthor simply because of our anatomy-slash-gender delusion, I feel like these guys’ confusion is pretty understandable.