If you have a baby in California and then neglect it for seven days, causing it to die, you won’t be in any legal trouble whatsoever. Coming up next on this episode of How to Get Away With Murder.
As f’d up as the California legislature already is, it just got worse. California’s newest pro-abortion bill makes it perfectly legal to kill a baby at any stage of pregnancy and even after birth.
The bill, AB-2223 passed the Assembly Health Committee on April 19th, 2022. In sum, the bill decriminalizes the killing of babies after birth and has been rightfully dubbed as the “Infanticide Bill.” Apparently legal experts made some “amendments” to the bill’s original draft. Spoiler alert: the amendments simply made the bill more vague and made it easier to kill babies.
“Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause,” the bill states.
The ambiguous adjustments included adding the words “under this article” following the word “rights” and adding “due to a pregnancy-related cause” at the end of the section. Said alterations do nothing to alleviate concerns. Someone can still freely kill a child before or after he or she is born.
Now, don’t turn a blind eye to the California legislature's intentional decision to include the term “perinatal” in the bill. The term is not defined in the bill, but according to the Oxford dictionary, it relates to “at or around the time of birth.” What’s that even mean? Minutes after birth? Hours after birth? Weeks? Who knows?! That’s the point. That’s exactly why it’s used in the bill … because it isn’t clear. There will be no civil or criminal liability or penalty if you kill your child “around the time” after he or she is born. With no definitive terms, there's a lot of leeway on how the word can be interpreted. Mission accomplished Governor Newsom (D-CA).
Related: 'F**k Them Kids': Californians Give Their Takes on Post-Birth Abortion, aka Murder
The Right to Life League Attorney Susan Arnall said the new inclusion just adds “an utterly meaningless, vague and overbroad clause.” She continued with an analogy: “A mother, her boyfriend or, for that matter, the babysitter, can starve or beat or shake a three-week-old baby to death and no one can investigate because under (the bill) it is a ‘perinatal death.’”
The bill makes it abundantly clear that mothers, doctors and whoever else commits or abets the murder of an infant is shielded from any legal repercussions. Even if a coroner finds that the death of a child was a result of self-induced or criminal abortion, the bill prohibits “using the coroner’s statements on the certificate of fetal death to establish, bring, or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.”
This is the most extreme pro-abortion bill in California’s history and codifies the killing of innocent life.
So congratulations Governor Newsom. You just decriminalized the murder.
It’s time to kill the bill, not the baby.
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor @JohnFetterman on abortion: Shouldn't be "up for debate." pic.twitter.com/DSWmlvUq12
— MRCTV (@mrctv) April 15, 2022