Defector Sends Thousands of 'The Interview' Copies to North Korea - Using Balloons

Ben Graham | April 8, 2015

Though he didn’t find the film particularly funny, North Korean defector and activist Lee Min-bok has been sending thousands of copies of “The Interview” across the border - using balloons.

According to CNN, Lee says he does this to tell the truth to his fellow North Koreans, so that, maybe, they will rise up for the sake of revolution. He says:

“I want my people to know the truth. That is when revolutions happen. If you tell the truth in North Korea, you die. But by using these balloons from here, I can tell the truth in safety.”

And, when Lee cites “the truth” he means to say that Kim Jong-un is NOT the god-king of the world. Saying:

"The regime hates this film because it shows Kim Jong-un as a man, not a god. He cries and is afraid like us and then he's assassinated. It destroys the idolization of the leader."

Lee does this by researching wind speeds and directions before going to his launch sites. He ties up bundles of the DVDs, along with U.S. dollar bills and political leaflets, to helium filled balloons that have a timer attached to the so that the bundles are released when they are safely in North Korean territory. He releases them in the dark of the early morning so as to keep risk of discovery and intervention to a minimum

Unsurprisingly, North Korea is infuriated by these balloons, as they have been known to shoot these balloons out of the air. One can only guess what happens to the bundles once they cross the border. But, judging by the reactions of North Korean military personnel, the enclosed information may slowly be trickling in to the iron-fisted kingdom.

Do you think North Korea defines this as an act as terrorism?