Church Militant Calls Out Catholic Groups for Paid Partnerships with ‘Marxist’ Ideology

Sarah Prentice | July 28, 2023
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On July 20, the conservative Catholic organization Church Militant, hosted a press conference in Washington D.C. in order to bring attention to corrupt connections between the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Democrat Party. 

According to a Church Militant press release, the organization claims the USCCB has received billions in taxpayer dollars that they’ve used to “promote the radical America-last policies of the Democratic Party,” like gun control, open borders, climate change alarmism, and religious censorship.

According to Complicit Clergy, various Catholic charities have received $3 billion in federal funding for immigration assistance between 2008-2022, ranking Catholic organizations amongst the top recipients of the funds. The money was then used to aid illegal aliens as they enter the country illegally and resettled across the United States in violation of federal immigration law.

Church Militant, through the Deposit of Faith Coalition, is “calling on the U.S. government to defund the U.S. bishops and other Religious Left churches.”

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Michael Voris, the CEO and founder of Church Militant, opened the event by saying, “The very first thing I would like to say is the members of the Coalition… are not opposed to the Catholic church or the Catholic faith. This is not an attack on the hierarchy, it is nothing of the sort. It is a call back to the faithfulness, to stop trying to destroy the Republic.”

 “Everyone involved in this effort are loyal sons and daughters of the church. They have no desire whatsoever to attack anything about the church. However, the leaders of the church need to be called to task and they need to be called to heal.”

At the press conference, a wide variety of experts gave speeches airing their concerns about the U.S. Bishops’ inclinations to left-wing, Marxist propaganda. The speakers included Epoch Times contributor Trevor Loudon, law professor William Wagner, illegal immigration expert Sheena Rodriguez, and Second Amendment activist Zoe Warren. 

Trevor Loudon, who is an expert on Marxist ideology and its effect on mainstream politics, spoke specifically about climate change alarmism in the Church. Media Research Center (MRC) spoke exclusively to Loudon, who said the Catholic church goes against its very principles in peddling climate hysteria.

“It’s completely anti-Christian, the whole environmental movement…” Loudon said. “The role of man is to have dominion over nature, but this whole environmental movement turns that on its head, and makes us like leeches on the planet… and so this 100 percent is completely anti-Catholic.”

“It’s very Marxist… the idea that humanity is somehow a curse on the planet,” Loudoun stated. He also added that the U.S. bishops should have “nothing to do with it.”

MRC spoke to Professor William Wagner, who stated, “You’ve got an irreligious left out there that is, you know, pretending to use the cover of religion to advance political positions.”

Wagner explained that the left is attempting to advance their positions through the implementation of hate speech laws that especially hurt Christian and religious populations.

“What the left is trying to do here is to add another category of things that aren’t speech and they’re calling it hate speech.”

MRC also spoke to Michael Voris, who explained that the abandonment of traditional American values in the Church has been made possible through Marxist infiltration taking place for decades now.

“Many of the senior hierarchy across the world are products of the 1960s and the 1970s and all of the social chaos that was occurring throughout the culture,” Voris told MRC. “...All these bishops and old cardinals– These are 25 year old men in the 1960s sitting in seminary, being taught by people who had helped engineer the sexual revolution, the social justice revolution, the liberation theology revolution.”

“They don't have the knowledge, sufficient knowledge, of the faith to be able to transmit it and influence in a good way, the political, moral, and social order,” he continued. “So you wind up with this chaos of, you know, open borders, give your guns up, and I'm not going to oppose your ability to feel offended, and one thing after another.”

“The knowledge of the faith is way too lacking,” he said.