EPIC: New Yorkers OBLITERATE Guy Found Ripping Down Jewish Hostage Posters

Brittany M. Hughes | October 27, 2023
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It seems even New Yorkers are getting sick of all the pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizing bullcrap spreading like cancer across their city - and jut about every other one in the U.S.

In what might be the most inspiring video on the internet this week, a couple of non-Jewish New Yorkers absolutely obliterated a guy they caught walking around the city ripping posters of Jewish hostages being held by Hamas from street signs and public spaces.

The video starts by showing a man strolling up to the fliers and casually tearing them down, balling them up, and chucking them on the ground. And it didn’t take long for a group of men to confront him about it.

Related: Congressman's Pro-Israel Sign Defaced On Capitol Hill

One man in a blue hard hat identified himself as a veteran.

“I’m not f***ing Jewish, he’s not Jewish,” another man said, motioning around the group of guys. “It doesn’t f***ing matter. This is f***ing the US, this is New York City. You have no f***ing right to touch that s**t.”

This is a free country. You can wave your Palestine flag and say ‘death to the Jews or America’ or whatever, but we can put up that f***ing sign…When you throw that down, you’re littering the city. In a minute, I’m gonna litter to f***ing floor with you,” the guy goes on.

Perhaps there is hope after all.

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