'Bone-Chilling': Virginia Native Goes Viral With Powerful Ballad Blasting DC Politicians

Brittany M. Hughes | August 11, 2023
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A Virginia native with a soulful voice and a powerful message is going viral on social media - and hitting all the right notes with the blue collar workers and everyday Americans who can relate.

His name is Oliver Anthony, and his song “Rich Men North of Richmond” has been viewed millions of times - literally overnight. The simple, gritty ballad, backed only by Anthony’s acoustic guitar, gives voice to how millions of Americans are feeling - namely that their lives are being controlled by a building filled with marble halls and elite politicians.

The tune kicks off with a lament that hits deep, especially to the countless ordinary people forgotten by Washington.

“I’ve been selling my soul, working all-day
Overtime hours, bullshit pay
So I can sit out here
And waste my life away

It’s a damn shame, what the world’s gotten to
For people like me, and people like you
Wish I could wake up and it not be true, but it is
Yeah it is, living in the new world."

The song places the blame squarely where Anthony believes it belongs: on the “rich men north of Richmond.”

“Lord knows they all just want to have total control,
wanna know what you think , wanna know what you do,
and they don’t think you know, but I know that you do."

Your dollar ain’t shit, and it’s taxed to no end, ‘cause the rich men,” he croons.

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And it only gets better from there. Jason Howerton, a conservative personality with more than 96,000 followers on Twitter, spoke with Anthony and posted a few details of the singer’s story in a tweet thread.

The song has been viewed more than 1.2 million times on Anthony’s YouTube page, with countless more views racking up by the moment across social media platforms. Thousands of commenters have taken to their keyboards to support the singer and tell how his words hit home for them.

“I’m a 39 year old Iraq vet and Construction worker, struggling like a dog to take care of two kids and keep a farm going when I’m not working 11 hour days. This hit so hard today I had to stop my old peterbilt and tear up. Preach brother,” one user wrote.

“I haven't heard a bone chilling original song in what seems like decades. You speak for millions of us,” posted another.

Simple. Direct. Sorrowful. And, unfortunately, just a little too on-the-nose. Perhaps one YouTube commenter put it best:

"This song says it all."