Black, Gay Veteran Turns on the Left: 'Sick of That Message of Victimhood'

Nick Kangadis | July 30, 2018

When someone’s “lifestyle” typically “fits” the far-Left’s narrative of who should be a liberal, it’s bewildering to them when a black, gay, conservative military veteran speaks out for their beliefs.

Political commentator, self-avowed black, gay conservative and Iraq War veteran Rob Smith told Fox News’ Jesse Watters over the weekend how he'd woken up from the ideological slumber politicians and the media have forced onto people of color, which he dubbed the “message of victimhood.”

“When you are a black person and you get these messages from Democrats it says you are a victim, it says say you need us to succeed and you need us to achieve, you need this ever-expanding welfare state to be able to make something of yourself,” Smith said. “I got so tired of it and I got sick of that message that I needed them, and I got sick of that message of victimhood that they continue to push to black Americans over and over and over again for the last three decades of my life.”

Here’s video of Smith full interview with Watters (Interview begins at 21:37 mark):


Notice when Smith talks about the “tactics” the Left uses for different segments of the population they feel should be on “their side.”

“I’m black and gay,” Smith said, “and I’ve seen them [the Left] use the same tactics for black people as they do for gay people.”

God forbid a person’s mentality doesn’t match the far-Left’s narrative, because they will then dispute that person’s “blackness,” question their dedication to the LGBT community and downplay their military contributions to the country, all because they think differently.

“I didn’t lose friends when I came out as gay,” Smith told Watters. “I've lost friends since coming out as a Republican."

If you don’t think something is wrong with that statement, then it might be time to take a long look in the mirror of tolerance. Free thinkers aren’t allowed on the far-Left. For them, tolerance only works one way.