Far away in a foreign land, there’s a brewery built within the confines of 700-year-old castle walls that offers seven 13-foot-long pools filled to the brims with 42,000 pints of beer.
Starkenberg Brewery, located on Stark mountain in Austria and surrounded by acres of forest, features beer-filled pools converted from old fermenting tanks. The pools can be rented out to you and some friends to soak in the beer suds and come out with “very fine, velvety skin.” The beer is rich in vitamins and calcium, and the brewery insists that the beer helps cure open wounds and psoriasis.
So healthy are these pools that the brewery recommends people not shower afterwards so they can absorb the nutrients present in the beer.
Not only that, they offer cold beer and food for swimmers, and guests say it’s actually comforting because of the strong, ever-present smell of beer.
“I think people want to bathe in beer because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Andrea Stigger. “It’s not offered anywhere else in the world; not in this type, not of this size."