Eric Scheiner
Director, MRCTV

Eric Scheiner is the Director of MRCTV, and has over 20 years experience in broadcasting and video production. Beginning his broadcasting career in the First-In-The-Nation Primary state of New Hampshire, politics, government spending and constitutional issues have been a major thread through his work. Eric left New England in 2005 to host the launch of the award winning 'WYOU Interactive' program for the Pennsylvania CBS affiliate before relocating to the DC area and joining with the Media Research Center.

Eric Scheiner | May 15, 2014
A Bakersfield, California family posted a YouTube video Wednesday of the family cat saving a boy from a dog attack.The surveillance video shows the boy riding a bike when a dog attacks him. The cat  runs out, leaps and scares off the dog. The child suffered minor injuries.
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
 Pelosi: Can’t Tell Illegals ‘You Can Do Our Work, But You Can’t Have the Rights of a Citizen’ See More at:
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
 One Year Later: Gosnell Case Demonstrated 'Catastrophic System Failure' See More at:
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
 Bill Clinton on Russia, Ukraine: ‘Not the End of the World, They Invaded Georgia, Too’ See More at:
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
Schumer Blames Rep. Steve King for Blocking Immigration Reform See More at:
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
Amazing 6-Year Old Performs Yo-Yo Tricks -- via YouTube
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
Controversial Danish 'Voteman' Advertisement
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
Whether you agree or not with what Rafael Cruz has to say on a given subject, one cannot help but admire the clarity and conviction with which this first-generation immigrant to the United States – the father of United States Senator Ted Cruz – articulates the principles which are the bedrock of success of the American Republic. It is a distinct honor and privilege for the Media Research Center…
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
California Drought Has Gold Lining as Prospectors Rush to Resurfaced Mining Town See More at:
Eric Scheiner | May 14, 2014
Esté uno de acuerdo o no con lo que dice Rafael Cruz sobre un asunto dado, lo que no se puede dejar de admirar es la claridad y convicción con que este inmigrante de primera generación – y padre del senador Ted Cruz – explica los grandes principios en que se asienta el éxito de los Estados Unidos de América. Para el Centro de Investigación Mediática, es un gran honor y un privilegio contar con el…