Eric Scheiner
Director, MRCTV

Eric Scheiner is the Director of MRCTV, and has over 20 years experience in broadcasting and video production. Beginning his broadcasting career in the First-In-The-Nation Primary state of New Hampshire, politics, government spending and constitutional issues have been a major thread through his work. Eric left New England in 2005 to host the launch of the award winning 'WYOU Interactive' program for the Pennsylvania CBS affiliate before relocating to the DC area and joining with the Media Research Center.

Eric Scheiner | February 17, 2011
White House Science and Technology Advisor Dr. John Holdren was called to testify on climate change before Congress.
Eric Scheiner | February 17, 2011
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on Wednesday that New Jersey can’t afford to join other states in a legal battle over the constitutionality of Obamacare and that he wants residents in his state to “get a free ride” if the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of the states that are suing to stop its implementation.
Eric Scheiner | February 17, 2011
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D.-Texas) told the House Judiciary Committee yesterday that the “penalty” that the health-care law enacted last year by Congress imposes on individuals who do not buy health insurance is not in fact a penalty.
Eric Scheiner | February 17, 2011
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) discusses his concerns of political influence on any potential Supreme Court ruling on the individual mandate of Obamacare.
Eric Scheiner | February 16, 2011
Only about 6 percent (129 miles) of the approximately 2,000 mile-long southwest border is classified by the U.S. government as “controlled,” which means resources are available there to detect, deter, or apprehend illegal crossers at the immediate border, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) told a House panel.
Eric Scheiner | February 16, 2011
During his press conference on Feb. 15, 2011, The President answers questions on the U.S. relationship with Iran.
Eric Scheiner | February 16, 2011
During a house hearing Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) criticizes the presidents budget proposal.
Eric Scheiner | February 15, 2011
A daily digest of stories on for 2/15/2011
Eric Scheiner | February 14, 2011
On the same day that House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was chiding House Republicans over job creation, the director of the Congressional Budget Office admitted that nearly 800,000 Americans will lose their jobs between now and 2021 as a result of the new health-care law passed by the Democrats last year.
Eric Scheiner | February 10, 2011
A group of House Democrats -- asked directly if they support the use of federal (taxpayer) funds to pay for abortion -- said yes, they do.