Alex Christy
Alex Christy | June 18, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] CNN’s Jim Acosta reacted to the breaking news of a shooting that resulted in no deaths or injuries at Tysons Corner Mall in Virginia on Saturday by suggesting a lack of gun control contributed to the situation. Meanwhile, national security analyst Juliette Kayyem declared that is hard for teenagers to flee such situations because of alleged racism in the police and…
Alex Christy | June 18, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] Despite claiming to still be pro-life, former RNC chairman Michael Steele did nothing but lob softballs to Abortion Access Front founder Lizz Winstead and comedian W. Kamau Bell to promote a video they recently created for Father's Day about how it important it is for men to support abortion when he guest hosted MSNBC’s Velshi on Saturday.
Alex Christy | June 18, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] On Friday’s edition of Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher skewered the Washington Post for its Dave Weigel-Felicia Sonmez controversy, labeling the Post as an “unlicensed daycare center” and mocking the recently sacked Sonmez for lacking of a sense of humor.
Alex Christy | June 17, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] Against the backdrop of extreme weather across the country, Chris Jansing welcomed Penn State University’s Michael Mann to declare that “we have less than a decade” to save the planet.
Alex Christy | June 17, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] The Late Late Show host James Corden welcomed PuPaul onto the Friday edition of the CBS early morning talk show where they claimed to have a special insight into the mind of social conservatives: the reason they are opposed to children at drag shows is because they seek to distract from gun control efforts.
Alex Christy | June 16, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.]  Why are gas prices so high? Of all the people Thursday’s CNN Newsroom host Poppy Harlow could have invited to give an answer to that question, she decided on former Obama Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Jason Furman. Furman was there to inform viewers that White House talking points about Vladimir Putin being to blame are actually correct.
Alex Christy | June 15, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein joined CBS The Late Show host Stephen Colbert on Tuesday to reminiscence for four segments about the fall of Richard Nixon during Watergate and assuage Colbert’s fears about the future of democracy by citing their roles in that process.
Alex Christy | June 15, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] Former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric stopped by The Daily Show on Comedy Central on Tuesday to promote her podcast, latest book, and declare “everyone should be an activist” for gun control.
Alex Christy | June 14, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle is having a hard time deciding whether the economy is actually doing well or whether it isn’t, but President Biden bears no responsibility for it. On Monday’s edition of The 11th Hour, Ruhle delivered a monologue where absolved Biden of any blame and condemned Republicans for “using inflation to push people to the polls.”
Alex Christy | June 11, 2022
[See NewsBusters for more.] Unlike most cable news hosts, MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross has two hours for her Saturday show. Despite the extra hour, Cross could not find time to discuss the assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, but she did find time to talk about another supposedly grave issue facing the Republic: the lack of stripper unions.