Craig Bannister
Craig Bannister | May 1, 2024
Consumer confidence fell for the third straight month in April, as Americans increasingly saw through the constant barrage of false praise for Bidenomics by the liberal legacy media and Democrats, according to a widely-followed monthly survey. The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence index fell from 103.1 to 97.0 – even though March’s index was revised downward – posting the third month in a…
Craig Bannister | April 30, 2024
“YPD, KKK, IDF they’re all the same,” obstinate pro-Palestine/Hamas protesters at Yale University chanted Monday night, conflating the Yale Police Department, the Ku Klux Klan and Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Yale had offered amnesty to the students who abandon their unauthorized protest sites by 9:00 p.m. – but the protesters chose to stay the night. They also voted to reject Yale’s offer to…
Craig Bannister | April 30, 2024
Rising theft is forcing major retailers, like Walmart and Target, to close self-checkout terminals and replace them with human cashiers – prompting the machines to evolve, adapt, and incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure their survival. Retail loss, called “shrink,” has been surging, jumping nearly $20 billion in a single year to more than $112 billion, according to the 2023…
Craig Bannister | April 26, 2024
A photo of an anti-Israel protester at George Washington University (GWU) carrying a banner reading “Final Solution” has gone viral on social media, sparking outrage and further increasing concerns about the anti-Semitic nature of the protests sweeping the nation’s college campuses. The "Final Solution" was used by Nazis to refer to their genocide of the Jews during the Holocaust. Since being…
Craig Bannister | April 26, 2024
A Secret Service agent snapped, began throwing menstrual pads and attacked her superior after being assigned to Vice President Kamala Harris’ security detail. Secret Service Chief of Communications Anthony Guglielmi issued a statement after the incident on Monday, noting that the agent, now identified as Michelle Herczeg, appeared distressed as she awaited Harris’ arrival: “At approximately 9…
Craig Bannister | April 26, 2024
The belief that “weak makes right” is destroying Western Civilization – but, thinking “might makes right” isn’t any better – billionaire and visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk explained Friday. In two posts on his (formerly, Twitter) social media platform, Musk warned that Western Civilization has embraced the self-destructive premise that victimhood is inherently virtuous. Axiomatically…
Craig Bannister | April 25, 2024
Almost half of Latino adults support the mass deportation of illegal immigrants - more than both Blacks and Democrats, a new Harris Poll survey conducted exclusively for Axios reveals. According to the national survey of 6,251 U.S. adults, conducted March through April, a 51% majority say they support mass deportations of “undocumented” (aka, illegal) immigrants. But, a closer look yields some…
Craig Bannister | April 25, 2024
In the first three months of 2024, the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) posted the smallest growth in seven quarters, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported Thursday. The 1.6 percent annualized increase from the previous quarter: Fell well short of analysts’ 2.5 percent expectations for economic growth. Was the lowest since the second quarter of 2022, when it shrank by 0.6…
Craig Bannister | April 24, 2024
Every one of the 10 “worst states for business” is run by a Democrat governor, while Republican governors dominate the 10 best states, results of a national survey of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) released Tuesday reveals. The 2024 Chief Executive Best & Worst States for Business survey is the latest of the publication’s annual studies polling “more than 600 American CEOs, with…
Craig Bannister | April 24, 2024
Remember when CBS’s “60 Minutes” actually used to fairly investigate Democrat scandals? Mark Levin does. On Wednesday, the iconic conservative commentator reminisced on social media about the days when a less-biased media investigated, and reported on, Democrats’ dubious dealings: “Once upon a time, there was a media that confronted and exposed crooked, fascist Nancy Pelosi. Not today. She's…