
American Life League | June 2, 2008
American Life League calls pro-lifers across the country to speak out on "Protest The Pill Day," scheduled for the anniversary of the Supreme Court's…
Ken Shepherd | June 2, 2008
MRC's Brent Bozell on the June 2 "Fox & Friends" to discuss Sen. Obama's decision to leave Trinity United Church of Christ and the 11 news…
MarkF | June 2, 2008
OK With Losing In Iraq? Vote Dem! Not sure that would be a winning message for Barack Obama, but it's one Mika Brzezinski advanced on today's…
MarkF | June 2, 2008
With its talk of "change" and images of people from the Dem demographic, you have to wonder if this was an MSNBC promo . . . or an Obama ad.
Rich Noyes | May 30, 2008
In a story aired May 27 and May 28, CNN removed a gaffe from Barack Obama's Memorial Day salute to fallen heroes. The missing text: "and I see many…
DannyG | May 30, 2008
When it comes to U.S. energy policy, presidential candidate Ralph Nader wants no part of oil, nuclear power or coal. He's a wind and solar fan. And…
Ken Shepherd | May 30, 2008
On May 30, Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly told colleague Bill Hemmer, much to his amusement, about a "girl fight" she had as a sophomore in high…
PDetrick | May 30, 2008
ABC's "Evening News" went after the White House for altering scientific facts when putting together global warming legislation.
PDetrick | May 30, 2008
CNN's "American Morning" blasted oil companies for record profits and price-gouging in a May 30 report.
Ken Shepherd | May 30, 2008
Topics: John McCain's stool; Al Franken's tax troubles; the $15-per-bag fee at American Airlines; and Angelina Jolie's pregnancy.
nburchfiel | May 30, 2008
NBC's "Nightly News" used rising Spam sales as an indication of a bad economy, even though Spam costs more per ounce than many fresh meat products.
MoveAmericaForward | May 29, 2008
Melanie Morgan, co-founder of Move America Forward, urges Americans to support our troops and the war on terrorism. Voices joined together can become…
Ken Shepherd | May 29, 2008
On the May 23 "CBS Evening News," Dr. Sanjay Gupta thought it noteworthy that the release of John McCain's medical records ignored his "mental health…
nburchfiel | May 29, 2008
ABC's "Good Morning America" scolded credit card companies over arbitration clauses and used an extreme example to represent average cases.
PDetrick | May 29, 2008
CNN's "American Morning" gave global warming a price tag on its May 29 broadcast.
PDetrick | May 29, 2008
Hillary Clinton backer James Carville said the Clinton campaign is on the "moral high ground" in the Democratic presidential race because of its…
MarkF | May 29, 2008
Despite having a golden opportunity to do so, "The Today Show's" Meredith Vieira failed to explore whether Democratic contributor George Soros is…
afq2007 | May 29, 2008
This mini-documentary from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation discusses the global flat-tax revolution. Twenty-five nations have flat…
Ken Shepherd | May 28, 2008
On the May 28 "Situation Room," Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz lamented the "limited access" to networks for the anti-war crowd during the…
Ken Shepherd | May 28, 2008
"NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams appeared on Wednesday's "Good Morning America" to proclaim "some conservative local newspapers" won't report…