
Ken Shepherd | August 12, 2009
Filling in for Chris Matthews on the August 12 "Hardball," MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell told a town hall participant Katy Abram that Barack Obama never… | August 12, 2009
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, using a statistic from an ACORN-backed group, says health insurance profits are ridiculous.
Seton Motley | August 12, 2009
64 million women have lost health care? So says Essence Editor-in-Chief Angela Burt-Murray.
Jpoor | August 12, 2009
Surprise! MSNBC ‘Dr. Nancy’ host and White House spokeswoman find common ground on criticism of president’s health care plan.
Stephen Gutowski | August 12, 2009
Obama's press secretary Robert Gibbs tries to claim that the crowd at his townhall were not chosen. The media doesn't seem to buy his story
Kyle Drennen | August 12, 2009
The CBS Early Show again reported on fears that "right-wing extremism" is on the rise in the wake of Barack Obama becoming president.
Eric Pairel | August 12, 2009
Woodstock! Charlie Manson! With all this summer nostalgia in the news, there’s almost no time for people to accuse Obama of being Hitler! Join the…
nburchfiel | August 12, 2009
Everyone's seen these separate videos -- now see them side by side.
Jpoor | August 11, 2009
CNN host and avowed ‘independent’ expresses frustration over left’s efforts to marginalize health care opposition, specifically MSNBC’s Carlos Watson.
Geoffrey | August 11, 2009
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's "Hardball," painted town hall protestors as racist as he charged, "I think some of the people are upset because we have…
Jpoor | August 11, 2009
Steve Grasso of Stuart Frankel notes how the deck is stacked with Obama New Hampshire town hall meeting, points out double standard on health care…
Seton Motley | August 11, 2009
Media Using Communist Larouche's Obama-Hitler Poster, Assigning it to Conservatives
Jpoor | August 11, 2009
Obama’s first choice for HHS secretary says the contentious town halls are part of democracy, but admonishes ‘the extraordinary hyperbolic…
Jpoor | August 11, 2009
Private intelligence agency founder and CEO gives Federal Reserve chair no chance of returning once his term is up, despite wishes of Wall Street.
Eric Pairel | August 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Mr. President, even though you were really born on the International Space Station with the covert help of those who shot JFK from the…
Stephen Gutowski | August 11, 2009
Lebanon, Pennsylvania: Arlen Specter is confronted by a constituent who was promised an opportunity to speak but was lied to.
mathew | August 11, 2009
Topics in today’s show: -- Recess town halls -- Union violence -- $2 Billion more given to cash for clunkers -- Obama…
MarkF | August 11, 2009
On today's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough was surprised to hear from Mark Halperin and Mika Brzezinski that most people in the MSM don't admit…
Stephen Gutowski | August 10, 2009
The media has been playing up a poster depicting President Obama as Hitler in order to further their absurd narrative that Obamacare opponents are…