
Joe Schoffstall | January 30, 2012
As an American flag is burned at Occupy Oakland, the man capturing the videos recites: "I pledge allegiance to a flag of the imperialistic,…
Brent Baker | January 30, 2012
“Outside of children and marriage and so on,” CNN’s Piers Morgan asked Baldwin, “what has been the single greatest moment of your life, the moment…
TheFoundersKeeper | January 30, 2012 Hundreds of conservative videos.
TheFoundersKeeper | January 29, 2012 Hundreds of conservative videos.
TheFoundersKeeper | January 29, 2012 Hundreds of conservative videos.
TheFoundersKeeper | January 29, 2012 Hundreds of conservative videos.
Teacheru | January 29, 2012
Allen West speech at the Palm Beach County GOP Party Lincoln Day Dinner-01.28.2012Conservative videos and commentaries at Follow…
Brent Baker | January 29, 2012
Playing off the “best picture” nominated motion picture, The Artist, ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night created its own version of the black…