
Joe Schoffstall | May 1, 2012
How's this for incentive?Companies Who Drop Employee Health Care Would Likely Save Billions Under Obamacare.(h/t Fox Nation)
Stephen Gutowski | May 1, 2012
As KTVU reports a group of far left protesters went on a rampage in the mission district of San Francisco during the lead up to the communist holiday…
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  A 4th Hour fan occupies Occupy Wall Street  
Stephen Gutowski | May 1, 2012
During a press conference with Mitt Romney and Rudy Guliani today in NYC a crazed nut job reportedly from the occupy movement decided to scream out "…
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  Louis Farrakhan has some more threats for the President of the United States…
Geoffrey | May 1, 2012
"From the perspective of the West, the former President of the Soviet Union of course was a courageous, far-seeing prophet whose reforms set in…
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV - Day of Prayer    
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  What is happening today with "Occupy" on May Day  
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  Glenn explains the warning he heard from former NSA employees  
Geoffrey | May 1, 2012
"Most of the KKK has joined the Republican Party. They don't have to be there [marching]."-Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page on the October 15…
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  Stu gets a unique form of torture  
mathew | May 1, 2012
Topics:--Jimmy Fallon--President Obama--Child Labor--Jon Huntsman--Communist Chinese--Swiss Woman Starves--Michelle Obama Vacation--Jimmy Carter--…
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  President Obama forgot to look backwards before moving "forward" with his new slogan?  
Geoffrey | May 1, 2012
"I think there are real questions about separation of powers and I don't think he [Clinton] should go up there [appear before the Senate]. And second…
MarkF | May 1, 2012
n her MSNBC show, chatting with chum and fellow Obama fan Tom Daschle about the anniversary of the killing of OBL, Andrea Mitchell says: "What do you…
Geoffrey | May 1, 2012
"You called Gingrich and his ilk, your words, 'trickle-down terrorists who base their agenda on division, exclusion, and fear.' Do you think middle…
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  Chinese Dissident  
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  Campus Security  
Thomas Jefferson | May 1, 2012
GBTV -  Campaign Proxy Wars