
kyoder | June 28, 2012
An Obamacare supporter at the Supreme Courts says, 'Shower me with your love.' We didn't quite understand it... but then, ignorance is sometimes…
Jeffrey Meyer | June 28, 2012
Liberal hosts on MSNBC can’t get their talking points in order when it comes to how liberals should react to the Supreme Court.  On Tuesday’s The…
therightscoop | June 28, 2012
Kyle Drennen | June 28, 2012
Meet the Press host David Gregory displayed a stunning double standard throughout NBC's June 28 morning coverage of the Supreme Court ruling on…
Jeffrey Meyer | June 28, 2012
In the minutes following the Supreme Court’s controversial decision to uphold ObamaCare, MSNBC's Chuck Todd dismissed opposition to the law as purely…
Stephen Gutowski | June 28, 2012
ABC News reports on the Supreme Court's landmark decision. The individual mandate is upheld as a tax.
MRCTVone | June 28, 2012
With all the political talk of violence against women being pushed by the liberal media, surprised you haven't heard much of this case? UPDATE: As…
MattH | June 27, 2012
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin insisted that the Supreme Court overturning ObamaCare, after upholding Citizens United, would be a "pretty clear Democratic…
Jack Coleman | June 27, 2012
As bloviated on "The Ed Show," June 26, 2012
melanoma321 | June 27, 2012
The recent close affiliation between the English Defence League and the British Freedom Party promises to be a new and fresh beginning in British…
MattH | June 27, 2012
Using the same tactics as President Obama, CNN created fictional characters and explained how each benefitted under ObamaCare -- and how each would…
kyoder | June 27, 2012
WARNING -- Language and Abortion Imagery.Bremerton, Washington: A man argues with and then assaults a pro-life man displaying images of an aborted…
kyoder | June 27, 2012
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) explains his "views" on immigration, the DREAM act, and family to 'The View' ladies.(h/t abctheview)
Thomas Jefferson | June 27, 2012
 Anti-Rove protestors don't know who Karl Rove is...…