
Ian Hanchett | September 21, 2012
MSNBC's Chris Matthews accused Mitt Romney and the Republican Party of trying to win the election with racism. Matthews called voter ID laws "Jim…
Ken Shepherd | September 21, 2012
Both Mitt Romney's "47 percent" remarks and Barack Obama's pro-"redistribution" comments could be considered "inflammatory if you want to look…
Ian Hanchett | September 21, 2012
The Obama Administration's earlier claim that the attack on the US Consulate sprung from protests over a movie trailer was further undermined by…
Ian Hanchett | September 21, 2012
MSNBC's Ed Schultz claimed that Mitt Romney's comments at a Florida fundraiser about working conditions in China were really a suggestion that Romney…
Ian Hanchett | September 21, 2012
President Obama admitted that he has failed to change the tone in Washington during his four years in office and gave up on his message of changing…
Ian Hanchett | September 21, 2012
In a clip from Sunday's new episode of The Simpsons, liberal writer Matt Groening showed his comedic balance by accusing Republicans of trying to…
Vote | September 20, 2012
Glenn Beck - Elizabeth Warren is wrong
Vote | September 20, 2012
Grapevine Rangel slams Biden's 'chains' remark
Vote | September 20, 2012
Debbie Wasserman Schultz caught in a lie
therightscoop | September 20, 2012
Bob Beckel calls Romney's Mormonism a cult
RRobertson25 | September 20, 2012
While CNN's ratings continue to slump, reaching historic lows, its hosts and anchors seem intent on alienating what few socially-conservative…