
alautz | June 21, 2013
Alex Wagner appeared positively giddy over the House of Representative’s failure to pass the farm bill Thursday, using the bill’s defeat as an…
radioeq | June 21, 2013
ED SCHULTZ (20 June 2013): For lack of a better term, white folks in this country have got, you know, why do we have a hard-on for these people?! God…
Ken Shepherd | June 20, 2013
Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell on the June 20 edition of FNC's Cavuto, discussing the media's reaction to the stock market…
Scott Whitlock | June 20, 2013
According to pop culture-obsessed Chris Matthews, a good comparison to TV "icon" Tony Soprano is Bill Clinton. While discussing the untimely passing…
Kyle Drennen | June 20, 2013
President Obama's speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was much anticipated by the network morning shows on Wednesday. On ABC's Good Morning…
Scott Whitlock | June 20, 2013
A sneering group of MSNBC hosts and analysts on Thursday berated Sean Hannity for his "mindless" anti-government attitude, mocking him as "pathetic…
alautz | June 20, 2013
Mika Brzezinski and the Morning Joe crew continued their obsession with Hillary Clinton’s non-existent presidential campaign on Wednesday. Brzezinski…
Anonymous | June 20, 2013
Once again, evidence that the conflict in Syria is much much less a civil war than it is foreign jihadis, often from Europe, fighting to establish…
Anonymous | June 20, 2013
Youtube decided to flag this video so some cannot see it at all and others had to conform their age.  There is no violence, no swearing and no nudity…
MarkF | June 20, 2013
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski has a strong, positive, emotional reaction to a TV ad by Joe Manchin, responding to one by the NRA that had…
MattH | June 19, 2013
CNN's Suzanne Malveaux called President Obama's Brandenburg Gate speech "historic" on Wednesday afternoon, while a CNN headline later proclaimed…
Scott Whitlock | June 19, 2013
Washington Post writer and MSNBC contributor Eugene Robinson compared the relationship of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel to Ronald Reagan and…
Kyle Drennen | June 19, 2013
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday, NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd came up with a long list of excuses for…