mrctvstaff | April 7, 2015
Rand Paul announced that he will be running for President of the United States today. Here are seven facts about Rand Paul’s life you might not know.    1. He does not have an undergraduate degree Paul never graduated college with an ungraduate degree, but he was accepted to Duke University, one of the best medical schools in the United States, based on his strong MCAT exam score. Via The…
mrctvstaff | April 3, 2015
Steven Crowder filmed himself trying to buy a gay wedding cake at a Muslim bakery for himself and his "partner" Ben Howe.  If nothing else... Steven Crowder certainly is bold.   Here is an excerpt from Crowder's blog:  Yes folks, I did this. I went there. You have this now.  As I was discussing on last week’s radio show/podcast Actually, I taped this video a long time ago but due to audio…
mrctvstaff | March 31, 2015
Kyesha Smith Wood was overcome with feelings of humiliation after her daughters decided to be rude and obnoxious to other movie-goers at a showing of the new Cinderella movie. One woman, Rebecca Boyd, was out with her daughter to see the movie and when the girls’ behavior became disruptive she attempted to correct them. The girls were adamant in their disrespectful manner and continued to act…
mrctvstaff | March 29, 2015
Will these videos of military families reuniting ever get old?  In this video uploaded to the popular Youtube channel Military Surprises, A Navy dad surprises his daughter during what looks to be her cheerleading practice.  According to the Youtube Video's descripton:  Navy Dad Surprises Daughter - FC1 U.S Navy Service Member William Smith gave his daughter the surprise of a lifetime during her…
mrctvstaff | March 27, 2015
The moment many in Republican leadership have been waiting for is finally here: Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced he will not seek reelection.  According to the New York Times:  WASHINGTON — Senator Harry Reid, the tough tactician who has led Senate Democrats since 2005, will not seek re-election next year, bringing an end to a three-decade congressional career…
mrctvstaff | March 23, 2015
After a flurry of controversy Starbucks’ “Race Together” campaign was over before it even started. But what actually happens when you encourage baristas and patrons to start conversations about race? Katherine Timpf, a reporter for National Review, took the bull by the horns and trekked over to her local Starbucks to start the conversation. If the incredibly awkward responses in this video…
mrctvstaff | March 23, 2015
Ted Cruz announced today that he will be running for the office of president in 2016. Here are some interesting facts about Senator Cruz that you may not know about.   1. Ted Cruz set a few records as Texas solicitor general He was the first Hispanic solicitor general of Texas. He was also the youngest person to become the solicitor general in the United States. via ABC News   2. Cruz…
mrctvstaff | March 22, 2015
Should we be shocked that, according to reviews Sean Penn’s new movie, The Gunman, is turning out to be the Venezuelan economy of action thrillers? Not at all. After all, Penn, the Hugo Chavez fan boy, co-wrote the screenplay. And just as Chavez/Madurro socialist tropes inevitably led to a workers’ paradise chronically short of toilet paper, Sean Penn’s anti-corporate instincts led to a thriller…
mrctvstaff | March 18, 2015
Paula Deen is one of the most recognizable names in food world.  The southern cooking star has written numerous cookbooks, owns several restaurants, and once had her own show on the Food Network. She has also received a lot of scrutiny for the unhealthy, albeit delicious, cooking recipes that skyrocketed her to southern cooking fame.   See: The 10 Most Unhealthy Things Paula Deen Has Ever Put In…
mrctvstaff | March 18, 2015
Mitt Romney has a lot of titles to his name.  Husband, father of five boys, Mormon missionary, successful business executive, Governor of Massachusetts, Republican nominee for President, and now.... celebrity boxer? In what could be the greatest (or fastest) celebrity boxing match of all time, Mitt Romney will box Evander Holyfield.  Read that last part again, to let it soak in.  Taking place…