Jpoor | July 20, 2010
Stephen Schneider, a U.N. IPCC climate scientist, remembered on ‘All Things Considered’ by controversial Obama science adviser John Holdren.
Jpoor | July 18, 2010
Clift View of National Debt: Print More Money
Jpoor | July 18, 2010
Pat Buchanan, Eleanor Clift Predict Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden to Swap Roles in Obama Administration
Jpoor | July 13, 2010
Climate Depot's Marc Morano on July 12 ABC News 'Twittercast' (Part 2)
Jpoor | July 13, 2010
Climate Depot's Marc Morano on July 12 ABC News 'Twittercast' (Part 1)
Jpoor | July 13, 2010
'Environmental' Evangelical Makes Pitch on CNN
Jpoor | July 13, 2010
Ted Turner on Gulf Spill: 'God's Telling Us He Doesn't Want Us to Drill Offshore'
Jpoor | July 12, 2010
Ratigan Gets ‘Raw’: Says America Didn’t End Slavery, Just Outsourced It to China
Jpoor | July 11, 2010
Geraldo Defends Against Slave Reparations
Jpoor | July 11, 2010
‘The Call’ co-host makes case for Obama and the Democrats in Congress to embrace extending Bush tax cuts and further cut taxes.