
Alex Christy | August 9, 2021
[See NewsBusters for more.] CNN climate guy Bill Weir joined At This Hour guest host Boris Sanchez to discuss the latest U.N. report calling climate…
Libby | August 2, 2021
The former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe wrote that the COVID-19 lab leak theory is “very close to a certainty” in a Fox…
Jay Maxson | July 22, 2021
While continuing to reap substantial profits from China despite that nation’s systemic racism, LeBron James’ media company blasted the International…
Nick Kangadis | July 22, 2021
Welcome back for another edition of Things That Need To Be Said! With all of the action, or lack thereof, that the Biden regime has undertaken…
Nick Kangadis | July 20, 2021
You have to wonder at times what the possible motivations are behind some of the stances and statements President Joe Biden and his regime take and…
Nicholas Fondacaro | July 15, 2021
***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters*** On Thursday, the director-general of the World Health Organization,…
Jay Maxson | July 9, 2021
The mess that is the National Basketball Association (NBA) just keeps getting messier. League popularity is pathetic, and the commissioner is sugar-…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 5, 2021
Despite their “research” indicating that their “climate goals” only can be achieved by forcing people to love their subservience to government…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 30, 2021
People who love government must be thirsting for what might be called the CensorChip. Such an invention would be inserted into every human brain,…
Jay Maxson | June 27, 2021
Sucking up to China to protect its lucrative cash flow, Nike’s CEO says the American company’s brand is just doing it for China. The Swoosh is now…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2021
While very little seems to be done federally concerning China and its practices and actions that affect different aspects of our lives, on the state…
Nick Kangadis | June 8, 2021
There's nothing trustworthy about China. Their government has seen to that. There's also not very much that's trustworthy about the World Health…