Media Mash

Rich Noyes | February 10, 2012
Appearing on the February 9 edition of FNC's Hannity, MRC President Brent Bozell took the networks to task for waiting as much as 17 days before…
MRCTVone | January 23, 2012
"There was nothing newsworthy" about Marianne Gingrich's latest claims about the dissolution of her marriage to Newt Gingrich, NewsBusters…
Scott Whitlock | January 16, 2012
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on the January 13 "Media Mash" segment for FNC's Hannity to discuss the week's worst examples of liberal bias.…
MRCTVone | January 7, 2012
When Democrats have primary presidential contests, we never hear about "extreme-left, in-your-face liberals," playing to the left-wing base of their…
Ken Shepherd | January 6, 2012
MSNBC's Martin Bashir in his closing "Clear the Air" commentary on his January 6, 2012 eponymous program.
MRCTVone | December 9, 2011
"There were 1,365 evening news stories" during the 2008 Democratic primary cycle and not one mentioned then-Senator Obama's connections to Bill…
MRCTVone | December 2, 2011
Amidst all the media coverage of Rep. Barney Frank's (Mass.) retirement from the U.S. House of Representatives, the media largely praised the…
MRCTVone | November 18, 2011
Media silence greeted video of an Occupy Wall Street protester vowing to burn New York City to the ground and toss Molotov cocktails into a Macy'…
Ken Shepherd | November 4, 2011
"With Herman Cain, let's remember here, Sean, we have nobody on the record, we have no specific allegation of anything that's happened,"…
MRCTVone | October 14, 2011