jimmy kimmel

Monica Sanchez | March 4, 2018
Host Jimmy Kimmel opened the Academy Awards on Sunday by naming the reasons why “Oscar” is the “most beloved and respected man in Hollywood.” "And…
Nick Kangadis | February 16, 2018
Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel must have huge investments in stables, because he climbed aboard his tear-covered high horse again Thursday…
Nick Kangadis | February 5, 2018
When you think of intelligence, who do you think of? Thomas Sowell? Albert Einstein? Dr. Jordan Peterson? Or do you think of someone like Jimmy…
Kristine Marsh | January 31, 2018
Read more on Newsbusters here Following President Trump’s State of the Union address January 30, ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel brought on his…
Nick Kangadis | January 17, 2018
I swear to God, Jimmy Kimmel has got to be the dumbest mammal on the planet. No, I’m not joking. You’ll probably agree with me once you hear what he…
Nick Kangadis | January 11, 2018
Left-leaning former “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno seems to recognize that late-night TV isn't what it used to be. But of course, it's not the media we…
Kristine Marsh | December 1, 2017
read more on Newsbusters here.   Earlier this week, ABC’s late night host turned activist sent one of his pranksters to Alabama to mock…
Nick Kangadis | October 24, 2017
Judging by this, at least we now know why daily blowhard and late-night host Jimmy Kimmel just won’t shut up. Kimmel appeared at the Kennedy Center…
ola olugbemi | October 16, 2017
Jimmy Kimmel recently stated that his show lost 30 percent of its Republican viewers over his politically charged statements on healthcare and gun…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 11, 2017
An old video has resurfaced showing Jimmy Kimmel, the not-so-funny late night host who’s somehow risen to prominence as “America’s Conscience” (at…
ashley.rae | October 6, 2017
Los Angeles-based conservative street artist Sabo placed fake advertisements around the city advertising Jimmy Kimmel’s “estrogen hour” show after…
Nick Kangadis | October 5, 2017
You know you’re a liberal who's full of it when even a liberal fact-checking organization calls you a liar. Typically left-leaning fact-checking…