Bill Clinton

Eric Scheiner | May 24, 2018
Hillary Clinton’s post election career as a stand-up comic continues. Clinton let some zingers fly while speaking at the Democratic Convention…
Eric Scheiner | March 30, 2018
Featured in this week’s edition of Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression - a multitude of people say they want to repeal the Second Amendment, but…
Nick Kangadis | March 23, 2018
  Join MRCTV's Nick Kangadis as he examines failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's world tour of explaining why she…
Nick Kangadis | March 12, 2018
Arnold Schwarzenegger still claims he’s a Republican, but now says that the party has “veered off into the right,” going so far as to say that "…
Eric Scheiner | February 16, 2018
Welcome to this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression This week, CNN lacks self-awareness while assessing whether the North Korean…
Nick Kangadis | February 7, 2018
The raging war on American men was fueled further recently during a speech by “matriarch” and  failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton…
Nick Kangadis | January 11, 2018
Left-leaning former “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno seems to recognize that late-night TV isn't what it used to be. But of course, it's not the media we…
Eric Scheiner | December 22, 2017
With some of the questions surrounding the Clintons, it may not be all that unusual that some people would be looking for some backup when meeting…
Nick Kangadis | December 11, 2017
Whatever happened to Islam being the supposed "religion of peace"? Because judging by the response to President Trump declaring Jerusalem the capital…
Eric Scheiner | November 30, 2017
A group of women who have allegedly have suffered from sexual misconduct or harassment visited Sen. Al Franken’s (D-Minn.) office Wednesday to…
Monica Sanchez | November 28, 2017
Image via Gage Skidmore A majority of Americans (59%) believe the sexual assault allegations against former president Bill Clinton are true, a new…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 17, 2017
Apparently, it is perfectly okay to sexually assault women and be allowed to keep your job – if you’re a Democrat. Or at least, that’s the way it…