
Nick Kangadis | June 3, 2021
If only people had known about Hunter Biden’s position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company that allegedly was engaging in illegal practices…
Nick Kangadis | May 6, 2021
Who knows what to believe anymore concerning President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden? No one seems to want to dig into the guy’s foreign dealings and…
Nick Kangadis | February 8, 2021
Hey, everybody! Don’t you love it when the government spends your tax dollars protecting walking dumpster fires while they live in the lap of luxury…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 19, 2021
If anyone's wondered what it sounds like to hear two deceptive, egomaniacal, warmongering political plotters inflate new propagandistic trial…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 22, 2020
Pathological politicians just used you as hostages in their ploy to further expand government and insult the Founders. Last night, the U.S.…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 9, 2020
  It’s always educational to watch how pop media outlets cover the content of scandals and/or, how they avoid the content, and, instead,…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | October 26, 2020
If there’s one thing to learn about the behavior of collectivists over the centuries, it is that, without hesitation or shame, they will utilize any…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | October 19, 2020
It’s hard to find news more obvious and infuriating. With a tip o’ the hat to Twitter user “Fool Nelson”, who appears to be one of the first to have…
Eric Scheiner | May 21, 2020
A judge in Kiev, Ukraine has ordered that former Vice President Joe Biden’s name be formally listed in a case alleging Biden pressured the then-…
Nick Kangadis | April 27, 2020
One nice thing about President Donald Trump's impeachment trial concluding in February was that we wouldn't have to hear from Rep. Adam Schiff (D-…
bradwilmouth | March 16, 2020
6:07 a.m. Eastern JOHN BERMAN: So, this morning, in an argument that has turned the legal world upside down, the President's defense team seems to…
melanie.hunter | February 7, 2020
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Thursday that President Donald Trump learned a lesson from the Democrats’ attempt to impeach and remove him from…