
Monica Sanchez | March 6, 2018
Conservative commentator and author Ben Shapiro is not surprised by the record-low ratings the Oscars had this year. He said in an interview with…
Nick Kangadis | March 5, 2018
Did you watch the Oscars last night? Don't worry. You're not alone.  If you missed it, the 90th annual Academy Awards took place Sunday night, and…
Monica Sanchez | March 4, 2018
Host Jimmy Kimmel opened the Academy Awards on Sunday by naming the reasons why “Oscar” is the “most beloved and respected man in Hollywood.” "And…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 2, 2018
While the average liberal celebrity grandstand is a major turn-off for most Republicans, it turns out that even Democrats don’t like it when…
Nick Kangadis | February 21, 2018
If a recent study by USA Today is any indication of how prevalent sexual harassment or assault is in Hollywood, then these celebs that spout off from…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 19, 2018
Liberal activist and belligerent Trump critic Jennifer Lawrence said she’s taking a year off acting to “fix our democracy.” You know, because…
Nick Kangadis | February 12, 2018
Remember when actor Robert De Niro used to be considered a “tough guy” and a “man’s man” after years of roles in which he played the parts of actual…
Nick Kangadis | February 8, 2018
  The news media aren't the only ones on television pushing an agenda-driven narrative. There are tons of shows and movies all over the…
Nick Kangadis | February 5, 2018
When you think of intelligence, who do you think of? Thomas Sowell? Albert Einstein? Dr. Jordan Peterson? Or do you think of someone like Jimmy…
Nick Kangadis | January 29, 2018
Even during awards shows late-night hosts and their writers no longer have the ability to write actual comedy or comedy skits without involving their…
Nick Kangadis | January 23, 2018
At the end of the day, it would benefit a lot of us if we could develop a sense of humor about all the political division going on in this country.…
Nick Kangadis | January 17, 2018
I swear to God, Jimmy Kimmel has got to be the dumbest mammal on the planet. No, I’m not joking. You’ll probably agree with me once you hear what he…