Nuclear Weapons

Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2018
When a nation has acted irrationally for so many years, it’s difficult to change into a country that all of sudden “gets it.” North Korea seems to be…
Nick Kangadis | March 28, 2018
So apparently “Lil’ Kim” is backing down from his tyrannical, propagandist rhetoric. China gave him a stern talking to, and now China claims that he’…
Nick Kangadis | February 5, 2018
Looks like “Lil’ Kim” wasn’t too pleased with last week’s State of the Union address by President Trump. North Korea’s foreign ministry spokesman…
Nick Kangadis | May 4, 2017
North Korea is beginning to act like a rabid dog by biting the hand that feeds them. Fox News is reporting that a commentary released by the state…
Monica Sanchez | February 23, 2016
According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans view North Korea, Russia, Iran and China as the nation’s top four greatest enemies. Gallup reports, “…
Monica Sanchez | June 23, 2015
During a briefing Tuesday afternoon, White House press secretary Josh Earnest made it clear that the U.S. may very well enter into further…
bryan.ballas | March 9, 2015
[See NewsBusters for more] MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski compares Netanyahu's Iran speech to a 'hostage situation'
bryan.ballas | March 9, 2015
[See NewsBusters for more] MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski calls Netanyahu's Iran speech a 'hostage situation'