Joe Biden

Brittany M. Hughes | February 28, 2020
Former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden is now countering his earlier story and admitting he was never arrested in South…
Eric Scheiner | February 25, 2020
While sounding off on gun control, Joe Biden made a half-cocked comment During Tuesday’s Democratic Presidential debate. “One hundred and fifty…
Curtis Houck | February 25, 2020
Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters! Along with the fact that they lost complete and total control of Tuesday’s Democratic…
Nick Kangadis | February 25, 2020
Hi. I’m Nick Kangadis, and I’m a Japanese contortionist. Okay, you all know I’m definitely not what I just said, but flubs happen. Some are just…
Geoffrey | February 24, 2020
“He’s [Joe Biden] really talking about the core values of this nation are at stake. I mean, he comes with a wealth of background and to take him on…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 21, 2020
Former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden is now bizarrely claiming he was arrested with the UN ambassador trying to…
bradwilmouth | February 21, 2020
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Thursday morning, Fox News again displayed the kind of good journalism that is so often lacking on the…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 21, 2020
A new Quinnipiac poll monitoring potential voter results in swing states has President Trump up in Wisconsin by a minimum of 7 points over any of the…
Dan Montanaro | February 12, 2020
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on the Inspector General of the Justice Department and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary…
Nick Kangadis | February 12, 2020
It's over. That's the line for three Democratic presidential candidates one day after Tuesday's New Hampshire primary that saw Sen. Bernie Sanders (I…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 6, 2020
Former Vice President and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden slammed conservative talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh after he received the…
Dan Montanaro | February 3, 2020
On Fox News Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was asked about the next steps after the impeachment vote has occurred, and his focus was on Hunter…